
Posts Tagged ‘Rechargeable Battery’

When I became a mom again, I was dreading the thought breast pumping as my experience with it during my first child wasn’t the best😢 It was painful & didn’t drain the milk from my boobs properly which caused me to have mastitis twice! Then I realized that investing in a good breast pump is very important, not just from hearsay or friends telling you that all pumps are the same, I could tell you that it is ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT!

This time around as a second time mom, I knew what I wanted and needed so I did my research well before buying a new breast pump. You know, as a mom of two, you have thousand things to do and worry about 🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s why I want a pump that is uncomplicated and can express my milk comfortably and quickly.

I finally decided to invest in @philipsavent new electric breast pump! It is equipped with the latest Natural Motion Technology – a unique expressing solution that mimics a baby’s natural feeding movement for pumping that is simple, fast and gentle 😌 More milk in less time with a cushion that stimulates the breast just like a baby does. To me, the experience is just as natural as breastfeeding🤱 It seamlessly adjusts from stimulation mode to expression mode without the need for me to change modes manually, and applies just the right amount of nipple stimulation and suction for maximum milk flow. Recommended by moms all over the world with great feedback about how painless it is to express milk🥳

After using this, I’ve no regrets getting it, as expressing milk has never been so comfortable and easy. Don’t make the same mistake like me, treat yourself better, invest in a good pump with no regrets 👍

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