
Posts Tagged ‘8 Stimulation And 16 Expression Levels’

As a second-time mommy, it’s hard to strike a balance in time spent with both children🤯

So I made a decision that even though I enjoyed the breastfeeding bond with my baby so much, I had to strike a balance between engaging with Keia & feeding Kara👩‍👧‍👧 Routinely, I express milk in the day so that I will have more time in my hands to play with my 2 girls, and breastfeed Kara only when Keia is asleep.

To introduce my best pumping partner with you, it comes with an amazing Natural Motion technology which imitate a unique wave-like tongue motion that occurs when baby is suckling. Just like breastfeeding but the pump will never fall asleep or refuse to drink milk 😂 This technology initiates a quicker milk flow (Thanks to its adequate suction and nipple stimulation 👍🏻), hence I’m able to effortlessly finish breast pumping in just 15 minutes! It also helps that Kara is an efficient drinker & usually finishes her milk in 10-15 minutes whenever she’s bottle fed. What a time-saver!

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